December 2, 2013

the universe hates me.

We lost to the Lions in our TFL Competitive final last shootout nonetheless. With two goalposts in shootout. Worst way to win/lose!  It was just brutal because it was 3-2 until the last 13 seconds, when Vesa scored from the point.  I swear it was like deja vu.  The exact same shot, same place, same time, same dude, finals, last year at Glendon.  Ah well.  But we played so much better than the past few weeks, so I was really happy.

Photo: Violet Asher

BUT, I didn't really get to play...because 20 seconds into the game, I stepped on a blade (I think? I know I fell...) and rolled my ankle.  WTF??!  Yeah, until my ankles are mad jacked, no low cut shoes for me EVER again, unless I'm fully taped and braced.  Idiot.

I am pretty damn distraught but I've had a good cry about it and know that there is nothing I can do except take it easy, maybe sit out the first practice/exhibition game, and heal enough to play during the Worlds.  F*cking hindsight is always 20/20.  Also, I was talking about long I've been injury-free and I swear, every time I have those kinds of conversations, the universe goes out of its way to spite me and remind me to never make claims ever again.  SHAKING FIST. I'm so angry at myself.  But only time will tell.

Anyway, no time for self-pity because at the end of the day, I AM GOING TO EUROPE WAHOOOOOOO! (As I keep reminding myself and chant "HEALHEALHEAL".)

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